This Adventurer’s Favorites in Leadville
If you haven’t been to Leadville, you are missing out on a special place. This historic mining town nestled in the Sawatch Range of the Colorado Rockies at 10,152 feet is one of my favorite playgrounds. The town has everything from souvenir shops to high end art and tacos to fine dining. Here are some of my favorites:
Outdoor Gear
Community Threads
If you forgot an essential piece of gear and need a quick replacement, Community Threads is the place to find a great deal. Besides doing good by giving gear a new life (aka slow fashion) they have a great selection of the stuff you need in the area. Also they carry some new stuff like Altra shoes, Leki poles and Orange Mud packs. Say hey to Smokey when you go in.
Leadville Outdoors
If you are a gear snob like me and what to get the best of the best, Leadville Outdoors is the place to go. With a wide selection of the best brands, they will hook you up. You’re going to spend a bit more but buying good quality gear is always worth the investment. And you can find some great beers in their cooler!
Galena Mountain Project
This tiny shop is where you will find the coolest clothing that was born in the mountains here. They have a style that is unique and cutting edge. If you buy something from Galena, everybody will be asking you where you got it.
Alpine Gift Shoppe
This is where you can find a keepsake that your wife will actually display in the house. With some a combination of local artisan’s works and more mainstream things like stickers, Jason has made a great assortment.
Harperrose Studio
Harperrose is where you go to get that one-of-a-kind item that you will put in a special place in your home. With all local artisan work, it is like an art museum in a store. It’s not the place to get a cheap trinket, but you will never regret the expense of a piece that speaks to your heart.
Zero Day Coffee
Zero Day Coffee is the best coffee shop around. It’s off the main drag on 7th Avenue but totally worth it. Avery and the team are coffee snobs in the best way. And the friendly ambiance of locals and tourist greeting each other and sharing stories is special.
Silver Llama Market
Whether you just want a coffee and a pastry or a great lunch, the Silver Lllama is a must. Sherry and the team have created an incredible menu and ambience. It’s also a great place to pull out the laptop and check those emails before you head back into the mountains.
Mineral 1886
Mineral 1886 in the Delaware Hotel is the place to go for breakfast. Yazmine and the team have hit a sweet spot with a nice setting and great food. While you are waiting for your food, walk around the historic Delaware Hotel and ask about the ghost stories.
Leadville is a place that you must explore. Besides these places there are wonderful museums, bars and of course mountains galore. Stay tuned and I’ll write more soon to highlight some of the best in these categories.
About the Author:
Dave Smithey is the owner and a guide for Top Out Adventures. His happy place is in the mountains with friends and his dog, Penny.
Contact Dave at